Have an op-ed submission for NEWFORUM.xyz? Send it to [email protected].
Please drop a note in your email to confirm that your piece follows the following community Op-Ed guidelines to receive a response.
- 1000-2800 words total.
- A headline, max 100 characters, this may later be edited.
- 3 main quote suggestions, max 77 words.
- Use subtitles.
- Paragraphs max five sentences.
- Claims, facts and figures should include hyperlinks to sources providing your evidence. Original sources are best. Please include at least links to content from your community if they are already featured on NEWFORUM. When linking to another source, please link just one word, not the entire sentence.
- Make the point you are going to make (aka. thesis or discovery) clear in the first two paragraphs. If it is a good argument, some people will disagree with it!
- Please avoid using first-person narrative (”I" or "my") unless it is critical to the piece or storytelling.
- Em dashes (—), rather than en dashes (–) or hyphens (-), should be used.
- Best submitted content is exclusive for NEWFORUM, but successful mirror, substack, medium or other articles are welcome, as long as you provide the link to the original published content to be included. Please make sure the content fits the content guidelines below, or submit an edit with the original link referenced. You must be the original content owner.
- Remember to include a 1-4 sentence biography at the end of your column highlighting credentials that qualify you and your community to write about the issue on which you're commenting. It is ideal to include past and present job titles, community bio, twitter, website and links. OK to include the names of other publications for which you write.
- If you have a financial stake or interest in the issue on which you're commenting, please remember to include an appropriate disclaimer in your bio. It is not disqualifying, but should be disclosed. By submitting, you accept full accountability for your disclosures.
- Share images in high quality in an open drive link; only your own content without copyright issues.
- Regular communities providing content are eligible for a community media page on NEWFORUM.xyz.